Friday, July 23, 2010

It's a New Day, Folks!!

Yesterday was a bad, bad day. I stayed in my pj's literally all day long and cried and watched
(of all things) A Baby Story on TLC. (what was I thinking? really? watching pregnant women give birth all day? recipe for disaster, but whatever, I made it through.) Everyone is allowed to fall apart sometimes, and yesterday was my time.

But today is a brand new day!! I woke up this morning happy that I am alive and that I have such an awesome partner to go through this bullshit with. I woke up with the knowledge that we will be parents one day come hell or high water. I felt grateful that people who specialize in getting people like Graham and me pregnant exist, that they devote their studies and skills to creating happiness in baby form. I felt excited that we didn't put all our eggs in one basket (or uterus :) ) and we have more chances left at becoming parents. I feel confident that our time will come! We are awesome people, we have a fantastic support group in our friends and family, we have more love to give then all the VH1 reality dating shows combined (minus the scabies and such), and we are going to be the best parents on the planet, no offense to those of you who already think you are. We're gonna win that prize. Yes, we have some hurdles to cross. I dread going through this dance-off with my emotions again. But I also know that when we finally do get two pink lines, it will be so much more special because of all the hard work we have put in.

So thanks everyone. Thanks for the e-mails and the calls of support. Thanks for all the "It's going to happen when the time is right...." Thanks to my peeps who keep it real and just say "This shit blows." Thanks for the prayers and the hugs and the tears. I love you all!!

With love-
Betsy Danielle

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